April Meyer

I’m a 34-year-old Tulsa native and first-generation college student. I’m an Occupational Therapist by trade and spend my days helping others rehab and heal. In my free time I enjoy: plants and gardening, church, continuing my education, spending time with my adorable dachshunds, and cycling.

I discovered my love and passion for riding and racing my bike 6 years ago. Since that time, I have become an active member of the then newly founded local women’s only riding and race team called Pandemonium. This group is dedicated to supporting women as well as giving back to the community.

Two years ago, I became the legal guardian of my then 16-year-old niece who had a history of mental health issues including strong suicidal ideation and self-harm. Over the span of two years, I worked full time and single handedly helped my niece battle: depression, anxiety, night terrors, bipolar disorder, angry emotional outbursts, challenging family dynamics, 4 inpatient rehab stays and 2 active suicide attempts. During that time however, I personally began to suffer from my own depression and anxiety associated with the insurmountable stress of trying to navigate this all on my own. I soon found myself pushed to my limits and in a dark place battling with my own thoughts of suicide after a long-term and significant relationship in my life came to an end and I was no longer able to compartmentalize all of the challenges I had been facing. However, with the aid of friends, family, available mental health resources and my strong faith in Christ, I have overcome this darkness. This is why I race for Team Suicide Prevention and am honored and blessed to be a part of this team as we try to bring mental health awareness to others and end its stigma.